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Eco Recipe: Cosmetics & Cleaning Products

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

Skincare can be caring not for your skin but also for nature. At Hopeland, we learnt some interesting recipes, and by far, our favorite one was the Body Scrub.

Why? Because literally in every kitchen or household you can find ingredients for it, and it is super easy to make it.

So, let’s see.

#1 Body Scrub

Sugar (white or brown) or Salt (semi-coarse) or Coffee grounds

Oil (olive or coconut etc.)

Mix it to make a paste. Usually the ratio takes one or two parts sugar/salt to become an oil. Then pour it into a jar or reuse a clean plastic bottle.

Tip from us: add to the scrub some drops of scent you prefer.

Ta-da, enjoy it during your next shower!

Liquid Soap

100-130 g soap (a plate)

white or green olive oil

water as much as it takes about (better deionized or boiled tap)

15 drops of essential oils Or pastry colour

Put the grounded soap in a container with the water and leave it for a night. Mix it again in the morning and make it to your own consistency

Fabric Softener

1 part vinegar

2 parts distilled or boiled water

10-15 drops of essential oils (optional)

You put around one cup in the softener part of the washing machine. If you don't want to make the mix, plain white vinegar is also fine.

Toilet Bombs

1/2 cup baking soda (120 ml)

1/8 cup citric acid (30 ml)

essential oil 15 drops leg lemon) or whatever very little water with a spray bottle

food coloring (optional)

You mix baking soda with citric acid in a bowl. You put the essential oils, colouring and water in very small tiny quantities to prevent the fizzing of the product. When you feel that it is wet enough like soil to be put in a mould inot so wet that it starts expanding) you put in a mould for ice cubes or any silicon mould or paper mould You leave it to dry for some hours or a day and it is ready for use. You put it in the toilet bowl, let it fizz and then scrub and flush the toilet. It is more efficient it you put one or two at night before going to sleep and scrub and flush in the morning.

Washing Powder

1 part of olive soap grounded

1 part of borax 1 part of washing soda

1 part of baking soda

You grind the olive soap or you already ground it in bulk. You use a cup or any other measuring cup (even a yoghurt bowl) to measure the ingredients. You mix them all together and you save them in a big glass container. You use 2 tablespoons for every wash. It is more efficient if you use it directly in the washing machine before you put the clothes on and use vinegar softener with it. Tip: The olive soap needs to be only with olive and not with other mixes

Have fun and enjoy!

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